2020-02-01发表2022-03-13更新学术 / rss1 分钟读完 (大约116个字)rsshub 部署记录Here's something encrypted, password is required to continue reading.阅读更多
2019-12-01发表2022-03-13更新学术 / gwd7 分钟读完 (大约978个字)GWD 安装说明其实就是用 v2ray+ws+tls+nginx 作透明网关,为了防止 dns 污染,使用了 doh 。阅读更多
2019-09-16发表2023-10-13更新学术 / domains几秒读完 (大约106个字)域名使用信息记录Here's something encrypted, password is required to continue reading.阅读更多
2019-04-28发表2022-03-13更新学术 / shadowsocks5 分钟读完 (大约823个字)shadowsocks-libev 安装方式举例shadowsocks-libev 信息 github https://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-libev阅读更多
2019-01-03发表2022-03-13更新学术 / vps script1 分钟读完 (大约220个字)shell 脚本一览Here's something encrypted, password is required to continue reading.阅读更多
2016-02-08发表2023-10-13更新学术 / vps info2 分钟读完 (大约293个字)VPS 购买情况一览表Here's something encrypted, password is required to continue reading.阅读更多